Export session data as a csv file – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide


Export Session Data as a CSV File

Optionally, you can click the Save Export Scheme button (shaped like a disk) to create an export scheme
you can reuse to save the data from other session files in the same format. Specify a location and
filename for the export scheme in the same way.


Click Finish to exit the Export Data window.

If you forgot to save before clicking Finish, a message window opens asking “Are you sure you want to
exit without saving an export?” Click Yes to exit without saving the session file; click No to save before

Export Session Data as a CSV File

You can export data from a TurningPoint, TurningPoint Anywhere, or TestingPoint session file into a text
file. You can use the text file to import the data into a variety of other applications.


Click Tools on the TurningPoint Ribbon and mouse over Session Management.


Select Export CSV.

The Select a Session window opens, displaying a list of session files in your Session Folder.

Find more information about where your session files are stored in Save Results from a Session on
page 251.


Select a session to export to CSV.


Choose the format to export the CSV data in.


Click Export.


Specify a name and location for the exported file.


Click Save.

The file is saved, and the dialog closes. A confirmation will be displayed that the data was exported


Click OK to close the confirmation box.