Bio-Rad Profinia™ Protein Purification Instrument User Manual
Page 92

3. Touch the Prime button again to immediately start priming the next selected reagent
line upon completion of the first selected line.
4. Repeat until all the required reagent lines are primed, then touch the Stop button to stop
the pump.
When all manual priming is completed, touch the Back button in the toolbar to return to the
Start Run screen.
7.8.3 Clearing System Memory to Start Run
To start your purification run:
Touch the Start button in the lower right of the screen. The Preparing Data Memory
Storage screen displays with a progress bar indicating temporary memory data clearance.
Note: The system can store up to three run data files in memory. An “M” status indicator
displayed in the upper right corner of the screen indicates none of the run data files stored
in system memory have been transferred. If system memory is full, the oldest transferred or
stored data file will be overwritten with the new file when a purification run is started.
Once memory has cleared, the method starts and the Run in Progress screen displays.
7.9 Monitoring Run Progress
The Run in Progress screen (Figure 7.15) displays an overview of the progress of the
current run, as well as basic details about the current step in progress and expected sample
elution times (see section 6.8.1 for a complete list of screen features).
Fig. 7.15. Run in Progress screen.
7.9.1 Peak Detection
Affinity and desalting protein peaks are identified using an automatic peak detection
algorithm that is active during elution steps on the Profinia instrument. In addition to automatic
peak detection, the option to manually detect and divert the protein peak is also available
during affinity and desalting elution step(s). When manual peak detection is available, the
manual peak detect/divert button displays on the Run In Progress screen. See section 6.8.2
for details on automatic and manual peak detection.