Bio-Rad Profinia™ Protein Purification Instrument User Manual

Page 84

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Fig. 7.7. Select Step Parameter to Edit screen with parameters for protein elution steps displayed.

The peak detection parameters that can be edited for these steps are:

Peak detect delay — time value indicates the amount of time that occurs in this step
before automatic peak detection is activated. (The run screen displays a light bulb icon
immediately in front of the UV cartridge line when the automatic peak detection is

Max peak volume — peak detect threshold. If the peak is not detected by the time this
volume is reached, the method will advance to the next step. The default setting is
intended as a safety setting for when the peak is not automatically detected, for example,
with very low expression proteins. When this value is reached, the method will advance
to the next step to ensure that the region where the protein is eluting is collected

Note: If manual peak detection is preferred, you can enter a large peak detect delay time
so that peak detection is activated after the protein peak starts to elute. In this case, press
the Manual Peak Detect button on the run screen to advance to the next step when the
protein starts to elute. (The UV value, displayed on the run screen, starts to increase when
the protein begins to elute). The next step also has a Manual Peak Divert button to manually
determine the end of the peak and advance to the next step.

Flow rate, step time, concentration, and frac are not editable.

7.4.2 Saving a Program Method

The Save button displays both in the Enter Run & Sample Information screen when the
method name has been edited and in the Method Information screen when edits are made.
When the method name is edited, touch Save to store the method in memory. When all
edits are completed, touch the Save button to save and store the edited method to memory
and proceed to the Install Reagents, Sample & Fraction Tubes screen to set up the instrument
for a run. The programmed method is saved with the date it was created and the username.
You can also proceed with the programmed method without saving the method. When the
name of a saved method is edited in the Enter Run & Sample Information screen, the Save
feature then acts as a “save as” function, and the new method is also stored in memory.
(See section 8, Saved Methods, for additional topics, such as deleting and renaming methods
and full memory).