Bio-Rad Profinia™ Protein Purification Instrument User Manual

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The following accessories and components can be ordered separately for use with the
Profinia system:

Profinia control lysate — dual-tag (histidine and GST) protein that can be used to
validate the performance of the Profinia system

Profinia software — provides data reporting and basic analysis of run results

Cooling accessory — holds two 15 ml or 50 ml conical tubes (holds two samples and/or
two purified protein fraction tubes), and is designed to keep samples or purified protein
cooled below 4°C when a cold room environment is not available

Profinia purification kits — prepackaged cartridges, buffers, and reagents, for use
with Bio-Rad methods. Bottles and accessories are clearly labeled to indicate positioning
in the Profinia instrument (see Table 1.1)

Profinia buffer kits — prepackaged buffer and reagents for use with Bio-Rad methods;
cartridges are not included. Bottles and accessories are clearly labeled to indicate
positioning in the Profinia instrument (see Table 1.1)


Mini cartridges — IMAC, GST, Protein A cartridges (1 ml and 5 ml),

Profinity eXact cartridges (1 ml and 5 ml), and desalting cartridges (10 ml and 50 ml)

Desalting sample loops — required for use in desalting methods only; available in 2 ml
and 10 ml sizes. This accessory is not required for Bio-Rad methods that include affinity
and desalting (for example, native IMAC and desalting or GST and desalting)

Bottle starter pack — replacement empty buffer bottles (4 x 125 ml and 4 x 250 ml buffer
bottles, eight buffer lids)

Waste/diluent bottle set — replacement waste and diluent bottles with caps and tubing

Table 1.1. Types of Profinia purification and buffer kits.


Purification Kit

Buffer Kit

Native IMAC*

1 ml or 5 ml affinity cartridge

Buffers and reagents for native

plus 10 ml or 50 ml desalting

IMAC and desalting methods

cartridge configurations

Denaturing IMAC

1 ml or 5 ml affinity cartridge

Buffers and reagents for

configurations; desalting does

denaturing IMAC methods

not apply to this kit


1 ml or 5 ml affinity cartridge

Buffers and reagents for GST

plus 10 ml or 50 ml desalting

and desalting methods

cartridge configurations


10 ml or 50 ml cartridge

Buffers and reagents for


desalting-only methods

* IMAC = immobilized metal affinity chromatography.

** GST = glutathione S-transferase.