Bio-Rad Profinia™ Protein Purification Instrument User Manual
Page 52

6.5.3 Installing Fraction Collection Tubes
The fraction collection area is at the bottom of the Profinia instrument (Figure 6.17).
Fractions are collected into standard laboratory conical tubes. The Profinia instrument can
accommodate both 15 ml and 50 ml conical tubes (see Section 1.4 for conical tube
recommendations). When one sample has been installed for a purification run, place
fraction collection tubes as indicated in the system installation screen in positions 1A
through 1D. For two-sample purification runs, place fraction collection tubes in positions 1A
through 1D and 2A through 2D (the number of tubes is method-dependent; not all methods
require four tubes per sample).
Operations performed or product obtained by position:
1A and 2A: flow-through
1B and 2B: wash 1
1C and 2C: wash 2
1D and 2D: purified protein
Fig. 6.17. Fraction tube collection area with tube positions marked 1A through 1D (for runs performed with
one sample) and 2A through 2D (for runs performed with two samples).
To install the fraction collection tubes:
1. For each fraction collection position, insert the bottom of a conical tube into the indented
spot on the bottom of the fraction collection area.
2. Push the top of the conical tube into the top tube holder (Figure 6.18).
3. Insert the tubes for each position required in your purification run.