ADS Environmental Services IntelliServe 2.8.1 950026A7 User Manual
Page 139

Data Import and Export
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2. Click on the Browse button to open the Choose File dialog, browse to the
location in your local directory or network containing the LIF you want to
import, and then select the file.
Choose file dialog
The file name (including the file path) of the selected LIF displays in the File
Name field.
3. The following options are available for selection and setup when applicable:
Existing Location to be Renamed Select this checkbox when the
location for which you are importing a LIF already exists in the
IntelliServe database, but under a different name than the name
referenced in the new LIF. Selecting this option replaces the existing
LIF and name of with the new LIF and name following the import
process. You also must select the location for which to replace the LIF
from the corresponding drop-down list.
Configure the Collect Start Date/Time Select this checkbox to
designate the date and time from which to begin collecting data from
the corresponding location. Enter or click on the calendar icon
designate the starting date and then select the starting time from the
corresponding drop-down lists.