ADS Environmental Services ADS TRITON+ QR 775027 A3 User Manual
Page 93

3-32 ADS TRITON+ Manual
Notice how the elevated sensor provides a gap in which debris can collect
Notice how deterioration in the pipe surface creates a space for debris to
collect under the sensor
4. Expand the ring by turning the spreader mechanism nut
counter-clockwise with the crank handle or socket. However,
do not tighten the ring against the pipe completely at this point.
5. Mount the Surface Combo Sensor or Ultrasonic Depth Sensor
to the ring by inserting the studs on the back of the sensor into
the keyholes on the sensor mounting plate (at the top of the
ring) and sliding the sensor back (in a downstream direction)
until it is fully in place. The sensor cable should exit the
downstream edge of the ring. Orient the sensor with the depth
crystals facing downward toward the inside of the ring (flow