Digital inputs and outputs, Modbus – ADS Environmental Services ADS TRITON+ QR 775027 A3 User Manual
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2-24 ADS TRITON+ Manual
through the outputs at the same interval used when taking sensor
The analog inputs are designed to store specific data received from
third-party instruments, such as sensors, every 15 seconds.
Digital Inputs and Outputs
The monitor can support up to two digital inputs and two digital
outputs. The digital inputs receive pulses corresponding to switches
that indicate the presence or absence of a particular condition, such
as an alarm occurring through a third-party system. The TRITON+
records the state of these inputs at an interval equivalent to the
monitor’s sample rate.
The digital outputs serve as relays to notify other third-party
systems concerning certain flow conditions detected by the
TRITON+. Conditions typically involve flows crossing established
thresholds that trigger events. The TRITON+ refreshes the state of
these outputs every 15 seconds.
Modbus is a protocol that enables communication to occur between
multiple devices connected to the same network. It often is used to
connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU)
in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
ADS uses Modbus to provide information directly to RTUs or
SCADA systems.
The ExPAC represents the interface through which Modbus
communications occur.