Metrohm 711 Liquino User Manual

Page 86

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4.4 XDOS mode - controlled dosing

711 Liquino, Instructions for use


>XDOS pr esel ect i ons

>>XDOS pr ompt s

Submenu for definition of the

request texts

>>XDOS pr ompt s

i d1 I d1

Display text for requesting the first ID

14 ASCII characters

>>XDOS pr ompt s

i d2 I d2

Display text for requesting the second ID

14 ASCII characters

>>XDOS pr ompt s

i d3 I d3

Display text for requesting the third ID

14 ASCII characters

>XDOS pr esel ect i ons

st ar t del ay 00: 00: 00

Delay time before dosing


par amet er s

>XDOS r epor t s

Report definitions for result output

Navigate with

>XDOS r epor t s

t emp. aut o scal e: on

Automatic axis scaling for
temperature curves

on, off

>XDOS Repor t s

t emp. scal e l ow - 70 ° C

Lower limit value for temperature axis


onl y f or aut o scal e ' of f '

>XDOS r epor t s

t emp. scal e hi gh 200 ° C

Upper limit value for temperature axis


onl y f or aut o scal e ' of f '

>XDOS r epor t s no. 1

r epor t : of f

Selection of one or more reports to be printed
out when dosing is completed.







comb. list,


= no report
= list of relevant results
= list of all method parameters
= dosing curve, if necessary combined with temperature
= volume list, list of dosed volumes at events
= temperature list, list of measured temperatures
= combined volume and temperature list
= FORM FEED; triggers page feed at printer
(important for laser and inkjet printers for
ejecting pages)

>XDOS r epor t s no. 2

r epor t : of f

… up to eight reports are possible

Examples of various reports are shown on the following pages.