Metrohm 711 Liquino User Manual

Page 110

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4.7 PIP mode - precise pipetting and diluting

711 Liquino, Instructions for use


par amet er s

>PI P r at es

Dosing and filling rate settings

Navigate with

>PI P r at es

f eed r at e max mL/ mi n

Dosing rate
(should not exceed 20 mL/min.)



= highest possible dosing rate (depends on type of

dosing unit.)

>PI P r at es

f i l l r at e max mL/ mi n

Filling rate of dosing unit
(should not exceed 20 mL/min.)



= highest possible filling rate (depends on type of dosing

par amet er s

>PI P pr esel ect i ons

Definition of requests at start

Navigate with

>PI P pr esel ect i ons

r eq. pi p. vol . : of f

Automatic request for pipetting volume

on, off

par amet er s

>PI P r epor t s

Report definitions for result output

Navigate with

>PI P r epor t s no. 1

r epor t : of f

Selection of one or more reports to be printed
out when dosing process is completed.





= no report
= list of relevant results
= list of all method parameters
= FORM FEED; triggers page feed at printer
(important for laser and inkjet printers, for
ejecting pages)

>PI P r epor t s no. 2

r epor t : of f

… up to three reports are possible

An example of a report is shown on the following page.

Maximum values for

dosing and filling rates

Cylinder vol. Max. rate
2 mL

6.66 mL/min

5 mL

16.66 mL/min

10 mL

33.33 mL/min

20 mL

66.66 mL/min

These are pure piston
stroke rates, without taking
the filling times into ac-