Metrohm 711 Liquino User Manual
Page 179

7. Index
711 Liquino, Instructions for use
optional accessories .............. 167
options ...................................... 71
organic solvents ..................... 136
original substance .................... 94
output ....................................... 10
output lines ............................... 92
page format .............................. 72
parallel interface ....................... 17
parameter ..... 80; 90; 98; 104; 124
parameter report .......... 81; 93; 99;
........................... 105; 118; 125
parity: ........................................ 70
part steps ............................... 136
pattern ...................................... 92
PAUSE ................................ 85; 91
pause period ............................ 91
PC ........................................... 135
percent by weight ..................... 94
pilot lamp ................................ 102
pin ............................................. 10
PIP mode ................................ 100
PIP mode parameters ............. 103
pipet handle ................ 8; 100; 102
pipet tubing ................................ 8
pipetting ............................ 30; 100
pipetting accuracy .................. 100
pipetting attachment ................... 8
pipetting equipment ....... 100; 102
pipetting handle ...................... 169
pipetting tip ............................. 100
pipetting tube ......................... 169
pipetting vol. ........................... 103
pipetting volume ............. 103; 104
place holder .............................. 87
plastic cylinders ...................... 135
port allocation ..... 78; 94; 101; 107
port assignment...................... 140
port occupancy ........................ 76
port use: ................................... 78
ports ....................................... 140
ppm .......................................... 95
Precisa ...................................... 19
PREP .............................. 108; 141
PREP reminder: ........................ 69
preparation ............................... 63
preparation of solutions ............ 94
preparing ................................ 141
pre-rinsing .............................. 113
print .......................................... 64
printer drivers ............................ 17
printers...................................... 17
process parameter ................. 113
process sequence .............. 84; 89
program .................................... 69
programmable runs ................ 134
protective earth ........................... 5
PT100 ........................... 7; 76; 167
pumps ...................................... 12
RAM initialization .................... 160
range of applications .................. 1
rate type: ................................... 69
reaction control ....................... 133
reaction times ......................... 134
ready message ............... 116; 117
reagent bottles ........................ 168
rear view ..................................... 3
rec. interval ............................... 77
receive buffer .......................... 146
regression............................... 120
regression curve ..................... 120
Remote ............... 91; 92; 116; 117
remote connection ............. 85; 86
remote control .......................... 10
remote control command ....... 116
remote control language .... 86; 87
remote lines ...................... 10; 108
remote socket ........... 92; 116; 117
remove dosing drive ............... 140
removing the dosing unit ........ 139
repeat ............................... 89; 107
report .................................. 64; 76
report definitions ................ 90; 98;
................................... 104; 124
report header ............................ 70
report: ........... 80; 90; 98; 104; 124
req. pip. vol ............................ 104
req. target cont.: ....................... 97
req. weight: ............................... 97
req.ident: ...................... 79; 90; 97
request ..................................... 80
request text ................... 80; 90; 98
requests........ 79; 90; 97; 104; 117
resistance ............................... 135
result ................... 80; 98; 104; 124
result output ...................... 80; 90;
............................ 98; 104; 124
result report ........ 81; 99; 105; 119
rins. rate.................................. 115
rinse time ................................ 114
rinsing ..................................... 114
rinsing processes ................... 114
rinsing repetitions ................... 114
rinsing volume ........................ 115
RS ....................... 91; 92; 116; 117
RS control: ................................ 70
RS error .................................. 146
RS232 connection .............. 86; 87
RS232 interface ................. 16; 70;
............................. 92; 116; 117
RS232 settings ......................... 17
safety aspects ........................ 134
safety information ....................... 5
safety specifications ............... 163
sample changer ......... 12; 13; 116
sample changer ..................... 109
sample changer ctrl: .............. 116
sample rinse rep. .................... 114
sample rinse vol. .................... 113
sample transfer .............. 106; 114
sample volume ....................... 113
sample-specific data ................ 63
sampling ................................. 106
sampling Dosino .................... 107
sampling mode: ..................... 113
sampling parameters ............. 113
sampling process ................... 110
Sartorius ................................... 19
save ........................................ 131
save method ............................. 63
SCAN .................................. 86; 91
scan interface ........................... 91
Seiko ......................................... 17
selection ................................... 62
selection list ........................ 62; 65
separating bubble .......... 100; 103
SEQ mode ................................ 83
SEQ mode parameters ............ 89
sequences ................................ 83
serial connections .................... 16
serial/parallel converter SP 1000 ..
........................................... 120
series of samples ................... 107
service .................................... 148
setup .................................... 7; 71
setup menu ...................... 71; 133
setup: ....................................... 78
shelf life of the battery ............ 132
signal level................................ 10
signal pattern ........................... 85
signal pulse .............................. 10
slope ........................................ 69
slope +/- .................................. 70
SMPL mode ........................... 106
SMPL mode parameters ........ 113
solv.fill..................................... 114
SOP ........................................ 149
source directory ..................... 131
special character set ................ 66
special characters .................... 62
SRAM card ............................. 129
standard solution ............... 94; 95
start .......................................... 62
start button ............................. 102
start cmd ................................ 116
start delay ................................. 80
start ext. device: ..................... 116
start external instrument ......... 116
start sample changer ............. 116
start via: .................................. 116
status messages ...................... 87
step .......................................... 89
stop .......................................... 62
stop bits: .................................. 70
storage medium ..................... 132
store method .......................... 128
storing methods ..................... 128
string ........................................ 92
strong acids ........................... 136
submenus ................................ 65
sub-method ........................ 84; 91
subst.conc ............................... 96
switching impulse ................... 102
synthesis applications ............. 74;
..................................... 83; 169
synthesis laboratories ............ 133
synthesis run .......................... 136
tandem ..................................... 78
tandem dosing ................... 74; 75
target concentration ................. 96
target content ..................... 94; 96
target directory ....................... 131
target volume ..................... 94; 96
technical specifications .......... 162
temp. auto scale: ..................... 80
temp. measuring: ..................... 77
temp. scale............................... 80
temperature ............................ 123
temperature axis....................... 80
temperature control .......... 76; 133
temperature curve .................... 76
temperature limit ...................... 79
temperature measurement ....... 63