Metrohm 711 Liquino User Manual

Page 103

background image

4. Detailed description

711 Liquino, Instructions for use


>CONT par amet er

cont ent st d. 1. 0

Content of standard solution


only for 'volume fraction'.

par amet er s

>CONT dosi ng uni t s

Dosing unit settings

Navigate with

>CONT dosi ng uni t s

dosi ng dr i ve: DOS1

Dosing connection


>CONT dosi ng uni t s

dos. uni t : def aul t

Name of dosing unit used

Selection list

see configuration '

>dosi ng uni t s'

par amet er s

>CONT r at es

Setting the dosing rate and filling rate

Navigate with

>CONT r at es

f eed r at e 5. 0 mL/ mi n

Dosing rate



= highest possible dosing speed (depends on type of

dosing unit.)

>CONT r at es

f i l l r at e max mL/ mi n

Filling rate of dosing unit



= highest possible filling speed (depends on type of
dosing unit.)

par amet er s

>CONT pr esel ect i ons

Definition of requests at start of dosing

Navigate with

>CONT pr esel ect i ons

r eq. i dent : of f

Automatic request for up to
3 identification texts





= only ID1 is requested
= ID1 and ID2 are requested
= ID1, ID2 and ID3 are requested
= no request

Use the identification texts (ID1…3) for identifying your sample or your test.
The IDs will be printed out in the report of the dosing procedure so that the
individual reports are identified unambiguously.

>CONT pr esel ect i ons

r eq. wei ght : on

Request for sample weight

on, off

not for 'volume fraction'

>CONT pr esel ect i ons

r eq. t ar get cont . : on

Request for target content

Maximum values for

dosing and filling rates

Cylinder vol. Max. rate
2 mL

6.66 mL/min

5 mL

16.66 mL/min

10 mL

33.33 mL/min

20 mL

66.66 mL/min

50 mL 166.66 mL/min
These are pure piston
stroke rates, filling times
are not taken into account.