Metrohm 711 Liquino User Manual

Page 43

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3 Introduction

711 Liquino, Instructions for use


until the correct en-
try appears and accept it with .

Di spl ay:

>SMPL dosi ng uni t s

>>aux. sol ut . BEFORE

The double arrow (>>) shows that can be used to open a

further lower submenu. The auxiliary solution which is to be added di-
rectly before the sample transfer can be defined here. In this example
only an auxiliary solution to be added after the sample transfer is
needed. Press <>.

Di spl ay:

>SMPL dosi ng uni t s

>>aux. sol ut . AFTER

is used to open the next lower submenu ‘>>aux. solut.

AFTER'. The auxiliary solution which is to be added directly after the
sample transfer is defined here.

Di spl ay:

>>aux. sol ut . AFTER no1

dr i ve uni t : of f

until the correct entry appears and accept it with .

Di spl ay:

>>aux. sol ut . AFTER no1

vol ume 1. 000 mL

Enter the volume which is to be added (in this example 1 mL). Accept