Metrohm 711 Liquino User Manual

Page 76

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4.3 Configuration

Liquino 711, Instructions for use


>dosi ng uni t s

Configuration of dosing units

If dosing units with different lengths and diameters of tubing are used which do not correspond to the standard dimensions then
special types of dosing units can be defined (max. 10). If such a dosing unit is used then its name must be entered under 'Configu-
ration>Manual operation' or in the method with which it is to be used.

dos. uni t : D1 selection list, see 'I D' below

selects dosing unit.

I D D1 12 ASCII characters as wished

name of type of dosing unit

l engt h t ube1 400 mm 0…9999 mm

length of tubing at Dosino Port 1 (dosing port)

di am. t ube1 2. 0 mm 0.1…9.0 mm

diameter of tubing at Port 1

l engt h t ube2 250 mm 0…9999 mm

length of tubing at Dosino Port 2 (filling port, dipping
tubing in the bottle)

di am. t ube2 2. 0 mm 0.1…9.0 mm

diameter of tubing at Port 2

l engt h t ube3 0 mm 0…9999 mm

length of tubing at Dosino Port 3 (free port)

l engt h t ube4 0 mm 0…9999 mm

length of tubing at Dosino Port 4 (waste port in bottle)

>RS232 set t i ngs

Serial RS232 interface settings

It is absolutely essential that the settings at the RS232 interface are in agreement with the corresponding data transmission pa-
rameters of the instrument connected.

baud r at e: 9600 300; 600; 1200; 2400; 4800;

9600; 19200; 38400; 57600

data transmission rate

dat a bi t s: 8 7; 8

number of data bits

st op bi t s:


1; 2

number of stop bits

par i t y: none

even; odd; none

type of parity check

handshake: Har dwar e Hardware; SWChar; SWline;


type of handshake

RS cont r ol : on on; off

blocks data reception

>r epor t header

Definition of the user-defined report header


21 ASCII characters as wished

contents of first header line


21 ASCII characters as wished

contents of second header line


21 ASCII characters as wished

contents of third header line

>GLP er r or l i mi t s

Configuration of the error limits in the GLP test mode

>>er r . l i mi t s 2mL- cyl .

Submenu for 2 mL dosing units

er r or max. vol . +/ - 6 µL 1…999 µL

maximum volume error

sl ope +/ -

0. 003 0.001…0.1

maximum variation in slope

i nt er cept +/ - 6 µL 1…99 µL

maximum y-axis intercept

>>er r . l i mi t s 5mL- cyl .

Submenu for 5 mL dosing units

er r or max. vol . +/ - 15 µL 1…999 µL

maximum volume error

sl ope +/ - 0. 003 0.001…0.1

maximum variation in slope

i nt er cept +/ - 15 µL 1…99 µL

maximum y-axis intercept

>>er r . l i mi t s 10mL- cyl .

Submenu for 10 mL dosing units

er r or max. vol . +/ - 30 µL 1…999 µL

maximum volume error

sl ope +/ - 0. 003 0.001…0.1

maximum variation in slope

i nt er cept +/ - 20 µL 1…99 µL

maximum y-axis intercept