4 managing solutions, 1 general, Managing solutions – Metrohm 862 Compact Titrosampler User Manual

Page 85: General

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6 System settings

862 Compact Titrosampler



Calibration date

This parameter only appears for pH electrodes.

Date of the last calibration.


This parameter only appears for pH electrodes.

Activating and deactivating the calibration monitoring.


on | off

Default value


Time interval

This parameter is visible only when Monitoring = on.

You will be notified that this time interval (in days) has elapsed when start-
ing a method. You can then select whether or not you would still like to
start the method.


1 ... 999 d

Default value

999 d


Managing solutions




System Solutions

Solutions can be used in intelligent buret units or in non-intelligent buret
units. Intelligent buret units have a built-in data chip on which the data for
the reagent is stored. This data is automatically read out during attach-
ment and entered in the solution list.

The name and the type are specified for each solution in the solution list.
The asterisk (*) on the right-hand side indicates that this buret unit is
attached (only for intelligent buret units). An unlimited number of solu-
tions in buret units with data chip can be added to the solution list. The
number of solutions in buret units without data chip is limited to 10 items.

Meaning of the type:

DU: dosing unit without data chip