Control / cabling cabinet components – Rockwell Automation 7000 PowerFlex Medium Voltage AC Drive (B Frame) - ForGe Control User Manual
Page 25

Rockwell Automation Publication 7000-UM202B-EN-P - June 2014
Component Definition and Maintenance
Chapter 3
Figure 17 - Deadbolt counterpart mounted to cabinet
Bolt the cabinet door closed so the pins on the dead bolt counterpart make
contact with the deadbolt assembly. Doing so should leave two marks of
torque sealant or grease on the assembly where the pins made contact (see
Slightly loosen the adjustment bolts on the counterpart and make the
necessary movements on the counterpart to ensure that the pins align with
the landing plates on the deadbolt assembly. As the amount of counterpart
movement required is an estimate, it may take a couple attempts to
properly align the assembly.
Clean the torque seal/grease from the key interlock once finished aligning
the counterpart.
Once properly aligned, the key should turn freely when the cabinet door is fully
bolted shut. If the key does not function when the door is tightly bolted closed,
adjustments will have to be made to the depth of the counterpart. This can be
done by adding shims on the landing plate where the counterpart is mounted.
Control / Cabling Cabinet
For converter cabinets, see
Converter Cabinet Components on page 50
For DC link/fan cabinets, see
DC Link and Fan Cabinet Components on