Special features of the i/o system 1000 (epm-sxxx), 8commissioning of the canopen logic bus – Lenze CANopen Controller-based Automation User Manual
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Lenze · Controller-based Automation · CANopen® Communication Manual · DMS 6.3 EN · 04/2014 · TD17
Commissioning of the CANopen Logic bus
Setting of CAN parameters and PDO mapping
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Special features of the I/O system 1000 (EPM-Sxxx)
When using the EPM-S600 ... S604 counter modules at the EPM-S110 head station, the following
sequence must be observed when creating the configuration in the »PLC Designer«.
How to configure the EPM-S600 ... S604 counter modules:
1. Add EPM-S110 to the »PLC Designer« device configuration.
2. Add I/O discs and counter discs.
3. For EPM-S110,
activate Enable Expert Settings;
deactivate Autoconfig. PDO Mapping.
4. Execute the menu command Window Close All Editors.
5. Open EPM-S110 again with a double-click.
Before adding I/O modules beneath an EPM-S110 »PLC Designer«head station in the ,
the head station tab must be closed.
If the I/O 1000 modules are added when the head station tab is open, there will not be
shown any I/O image for the modules.
When all modules have been added, the EPM-S110 head station tab can be opened