Promotion on youtube – Google Creator Playbook Version 4 User Manual

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Promotion on YouTube

Cross Promote with another channel to reach a

new audience

Is there another channel that you work closely with

whose subscribers would be a good audience for your

channel? Target another channel’s existing audience

with remarketing. NOTE, in order to leverage this

strategy you’ll need to have your collaborating channel

link their YouTube account to your AdWords account.


Create a remarketing list of all the viewers or

subscribers of your collaborating channel

Create a list of your current subscribers.

Then, create a custom combination of all viewers/

subscribers to your collaborating channel that are

not yet a subscriber to your channel.


Create an InStream ad channel trailer featuring

both your channel and the collaborating channel

Clearly explain why their audience would be

interested in your content, *Call the user to

subscribe to your channel

Converting Existing Audiences into Subscribers

Are you generating lots of viewership, but not a lot of

subscribers? Help turn these one-off audiences into

long-term channel fans:


Create a remarketing list of all users that have

viewed a channel video.

Create another list of all users that have subscribed

to your channel.

Combine these lists in a “custom combination” that

targets all viewers who have not yet subscribed


Create a channel trailer with a very clear call to

action to subscribe

Use this as an InStream ad

Need help setting up your campaign?
Search for the “Mastering AdWords for Video” playlist
on YouTube.

Use the traffic sources report to identify
how much of your viewership is coming from “YouTube