Konica Minolta bizhub PRESS C1100 User Manual
Page 52
3. Connect the USB cables's A connector to one of the USB
ports at the back of the IC-312 print controller.
Important: You must not connect the USB cable to either of the USB
3.0 connecters on the IC-312 print controller. For more information on
the external connectors on the IC-312 print controller, the IC-312
Technical Manual.
4. Turn on the FD-5 by sliding the power switch to the right .
The IC-312 print controller recognizes the connection and if
this is the first time that the instrument is connected, the
USB's driver is installed.
When the driver installation successfully completes, you are
ready to use the Konica Minolta FD-5 spectrodensitometer to
create a calibration table.
When connected to the IC-312 print controller, the instrument
automatically enters communication mode and
appears on the instrument's LCD screen.
At this time the instrument's control buttons and measuring
button are disabled. When the command to enable the
measuring button is used from the IC-312 print controller for
the instrument, the measuring button can be used to measure
the calibration chart.
Chapter 3—Calibration