1 using inhibit panel with an application, 2 generating text objects, 3 rendering print jobs – HID FARGO HDP5000 User Guide User Manual

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HDP5000 & HDPii Plus Card Printer Encoder User Guide_L000950, 3.0




Create the

Inhibit Panel Layout within the Workbench Printer Utility.


Save the file. Failure to save the file prevents the

Inhibit Panel to function.


You are now ready to print from your application. Images print with the inhibit panel until deleted.

10.1.1 Using Inhibit Panel with an Application

Some applications can utilize the inhibit panel by using text objects containing a “~i” within the
print job itself. The “~i” is followed by the file path and file name of a bitmap file, which is
merged when the print job is rendered.

• Rendering is the process that changes the application output to instructions that the

printer understands.

• This string will be removed from the print and the bitmap will be used to define the area

where the transfer is to be inhibited.

10.1.2 Generating Text Objects

Incompatible Applications (which do not print text as objects): Some Windows
applications create print jobs, but do not generate text objects within the print job output.

• These types of application are not compatible with the inhibit panel and will not generate

the correct print output. If an application saves its files as a single bitmap the text will
not be sent to the printer to be handled correctly.

• In this case the “~i" string may appear printed on the card instead of being substituted

with the inhibit bitmap.

• Examples of applications (which are incompatible with inhibit printing) are Notepad and

Microsoft Paint. Use Microsoft Paint for the creation of the INHIBIT BMP.

Compatible Applications (which utilize text objects compatible with the Inhibit Panel):
Windows applications which generate text objects to Windows GDI are compatible with inhibit
panel operation.

Note: Compatible applications allow you to edit text strings after saving the file. Examples of
compatible applications are Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft WordPad.

10.1.3 Rendering Print Jobs

Rendering of the print job occurs on the given local workstation if the Printer Driver is installed
for use on that particular workstation.
Shared Instance: However, if the Printer Driver is a shared instance (for example, shared
from another workstation), the print job is rendered (converted to something that the printer
understands) on the workstation where the Printer Driver is shared from while under Microsoft
Print Job Rendering: Under Microsoft Windows Vista, the rendering of the print job may be
performed on either the workstation sharing the printer or the workstation creating the print
job, depending upon the setting chosen in the printer instance.