C ini file format, Introduction, Ini file structure – HP Integrity rx4610 Server User Manual

Page 241: Ini file format

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C INI File Format


The FRUSDR utility for EFI has a new feature that allows the FRU information
retrieved from the EEPROM to be displayed in a manner other than that of the
original utilities display. Through the use of an INI file the user can create strings
to be displayed and insert information from the data retrieved from the EEPROM
into the string. This will allow the user a wide variety of customization.

At this time, the /p FRUSDR option is not supported in conjunction with the INI
file. If the number of lines displayed when using the INI file exceeds the number
of lines on the screen, the lines will scroll out of view. To remedy this, either
modify the INI file to reduce the number of lines displayed, or increase the
number of lines on the screen using the “MODE 80 50” EFI command.

INI File Structure

An INI file consists of two areas: the header area that is designated by the
[INF_FILE] section header and the main body designated by the [DISPLAY]
section header.

The [INF_FILE] Section

The [INF_FILE] must contain three items: Signature, FileFormatVersion, and
ManufacturersID. The Signature is to let the utility know that this is an INI file
for the FRUSDR utility. The FileFormatVersion is so that future changes to the
INI Display format can be tracked and adapted to. And the Manufacturers ID is
there to indicate which of the Multi-record area records are to be displayed. The
record within the multi-record area for a particular OEM will be marked with that
OEM’s ID so that the data can be retrieved and interpreted correctly for that

The [DISPLAY] Section

The Display section consists of a list of entries that contain two components
needed for the display. The first component is the “LINE” numbering component.
This provides the mechanism for vertical formatting. Line number entries will be
executed in order. The Line numbers will not necessarily correspond to a
particular line on the display and will depend on the format strings from each line
entry that determine whether linefeed and carriage return are used.