HP Integrity rx4610 Server User Manual

Page 172

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Chapter 11



3. Check that the DC-DC Converter on the Power Distribution Board is

properly installed.

4. Check that the DC-DC Converter on the I/O Baseboard is plugged into the

3.3V number one connector.

5. Check for a Power Pod failure on a Processor.

If the HP Server Powers On but then Shuts Down with a Fault Light

Use this checklist to check for the following problems when the HP Server powers
on and then off:

1. Check that a conductive item has not been dropped or left inside the server


2. Check the connections on all boards and DC-DC Converters.

3. Check the cables for bent pins.

4. Check the processors for bent pins.

If the HP Server Powers On but Fails POST (Power-On Self Test)

Use this checklist to check for the following problems when the HP Server fails

1. Attempt a recovery boot.

2. Verify that the FSB to CPU core ratio is properly set for the processors.

Do not overclock.

3. Clear CMOS and see if the HP Server boots.

Check the HP Server's reference label for instructions on clearing CMOS.

4. If the monitor is working, check the POST pass code it displays.

If the code is between #0 and 3Ah, and the code does not change,

a. Swap out the Legacy I/O Board and reboot the HP Server.

b. If the Server still does not boot, swap out the Processor Baseboard and

attempt to reboot.

c. Finally, reseat the HP Server's memory boards and then reboot the HP


5. If clearing the CMOS does not solve the problem, refer to "If the HP

Server Passes the Post but Will Not Function" later in this chapter.

6. Run the SEL Viewer Utility.