Vpn audit, Connectivity audit, Query audit details – HP Intelligent Management Center Licenses User Manual

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Operation procedure


Click the Service tab, click MPLS VPN Manager, and then click VPN Resources > VPN
Management in the navigation tree and click the link of the intended VPN.


Query unacknowledged alarm information on the VPN Details page.


You can query all the unacknowledged alarms related to the VPN in the area for
unacknowledged alarms information. These alarms include alarms generated by all the PEs
and generated by the VPN.

Query all alarms

You can query information of all alarms on the platform with the query all alarms function.

Operation procedure


Open the page for displaying VPN alarm information:

Approach 1: Click the Service tab, click MPLS VPN Manager, and then click VPN Devices
> PE Device List in the navigation tree and click the View icon in the PE device list.

Approach 2: Select a PE in the topology and right-click to select Device VPN Information.

Approach 3: Click the Service tab, click MPLS VPN Manager, and then click VPN Resources
> VPN Management in the navigation tree and click the link of the intended VPN in the
VPN list.


Click the All Alarms link in the unacknowledged alarms information area to enter the page of
all alarms.

VPN audit

VPN Audit comprises Connectivity Audit and Configuration Audit. With the connectivity audit
function, you can get information about link connectivity in a VPN; with the configuration audit
function, you can get information about configuration changes of the devices. VPN audit can help
you monitor network faults.

Connectivity audit

Connectivity audit helps you monitor network connectivity. Connectivity audit can be performed
based on VPN or link. When link connectivity changes, MVM generates alarms and identifies link
status in different colors in VPN access topology. When auditing VPN connectivity, MVM audits
inter-CE connectivity per VPN.

In the VPN list, select one or more VPNs in the VPN list, or in Service Topology, select one or more
VPN Links to audit connectivity.

Query audit details

You can query connectivity audit results of each VPN link and know detailed information about
link connectivity in a VPN network, and thus locate network abnormalities.

Operation procedure


Click the Service tab, click MPLS VPN Manager, and then click VPN Resources > VPN
Management in the navigation tree.


Click the Audit Status link or the Audit Result link of the intended VPN in the VPN list.


You can query connectivity information of each VPN link in VPN link audit information list on
the VPN Audit Details page.

If you set to audit connectivity between Spokes, you can query connectivity information between
Spokes in Inter-Spoke Unconnectivity Audit List; otherwise, the inter-spoke unconnectivity audit
list is not displayed.


MPLS Manager