Relationship between managed objects – HP Intelligent Management Center Licenses User Manual
Page 43
MVM manages the following objects:
Service VPN
In MVM, the VPN used to carry user service data is called service VPN. The VPN in MVM
defaults to service VPN unless otherwise specified.
Management VPN
The purpose of building a management VPN is to manage CEs. To prevent building of
management VPN from interrupting service VPN discovery and management, MVM provides
setting and filtering of the management VPN.
SC (Service Community)
To facilitate your understanding and management of VPN network, MVM defines two types
of VPN networking schemes: Full-Mesh and Hub-Spoke as SCs, each of which represents a
networking scheme and a group of RT values. All the complicated VPN networkings in
applications can be considered as a combination of these two types of networking schemes.
SA (Service Access)
SA represents the MPLS VPN link between a CE and a PE, and user service is based on the
SA. Therefore, SA is the core manageable objects of MVM.
PE (Provider Edge)
PEs can be classified into PE, SPE, UPE and MPE in real networking.
CE (Customer Edge)
Generally, CEs correspond to the physical CEs in real networking. Note that, CEs are devices
with no MPLS feature, and therefore, physical CEs do not necessarily exist in a simple
networking. You can create a virtual CE when performing end-to-end connectivity audit and
topology status observation. When a virtual CE is created, most of the VPN management
functions can be implemented like on real CEs.
Non-manageable objects
If CEs cannot communicate with MVM, you can also create a virtual CE to manage a VPN.
However, the CE is in the non-managed status, and you cannot perform network element level
operations such as device configuration and device information query.
Relationship between managed objects
The following figure shows the relationship between managed objects in MVM. Each oval represents
a managed object, and the four objects in the dashed oval are the core managed objects of MVM.
The line connecting every two objects indicates relationship between the two objects. Numbers on
the two ends of each line indicate mapping between the two objects, with 1 meaning one mapping,
1..* meaning one or multiple mappings, 0 meaning no mapping and 0..* meaning no mapping
or multiple mappings.
MPLS VPN Manager overview