NORD Drivesystems BU0700 User Manual
Page 97

5.1.6 Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.
BU 0700 GB-1411
Subject to technical alterations
Setting value / Description / Note
Available with option
P559 (P)
DC run-on time
always visible
0.00 ... 5.0 s
[ 0.50 ]
Following a stop signal and the braking ramp, a direct current is briefly applied to the motor to fully
bring the drive to a stop. Depending on the inertia, the time for which the current is applied can be set
in this parameter.
The current level depends on the previous braking procedure (current vector control) or the static boost
(linear characteristic).
Save on EEPROM
always visible
0 ... 1
[ 1 ]
0 = Changes to the parameter settings will be lost if the FI is disconnected from the mains supply.
1 = All parameter changes are automatically written to the EEPROM and remain stored there even if
the FI is disconnected from the mains supply.
If USS communication is used to implement parameter changes, it must be ensured that
the maximum number of write cycles (100.000 x) is not exceeded.