NORD Drivesystems BU0700 User Manual
Page 90
NORDAC SK 700E Operating Manual
Subject to technical alterations
BU 0700 GB-1411
Setting value / Description / Note
Available with option
always visible
0 ... 21
[ 0 ]
Selection of the interface via which the FI is controlled. (P503: Note Master function output!)
0 = Control terminals or keyboard control **/*** with the Control Box (Option), the Parameter Box
(Option, not ext. p-box), the Potentiometer Box (Option) or via Bus I/O Bits (Option)
1 = Control terminals only */***, the FI can only be controlled via the digital and analog inputs ( a
customer unit is necessary!) or via the BUS I/O Bits (Option).
2 = USS setpoint */***, the frequency setpoint is transferred via the RS485 interface. Control via the
digital I/Os is still active.
3 = USS control word *, the control signals (enable, rotation direction, etc.) are transferred via the
RS485 interface, the setpoint via the analog input or the fixed frequencies.
4 = USS *, all control data is transferred via the RS485 interface. The analog and digital inputs have
no function. The setting is required for the external p-box!
5 = CAN setpoint */*** (Option)
6 = CAN control word * (Option)
7 = CAN * (Option)
8 = Profibus setpoint */*** (Option)
9 = Profibus control word * (Option)
10 = Profibus * (Option)
11 = CAN Broadcast * (Option)
12 = InterBus setpoint */*** (Option)
13 = InterBus control word * (Option)
14 = InterBus * (Option)
15 = CANopen setpoint */*** (Option)
16 = CANopen Control word * (Option)
17 = CANopen * (Option)
18 = DeviceNet setpoint */*** (Option)
19 = DeviceNet Control word * (Option)
20 = DeviceNet * (Option)
21 = in preparation
*) Keyboard control (ControlBox, ParameterBox, PotentiometerBox) is blocked, parameterisation is still
**) If the communication during keyboard control is interrupted (time out 0.5 sec), the FI will block
without error message.
***) Permissible settings for using the AS interface.
Interface bus setpoints
always visible
0 ... 8
[ 0 ]
Selection of the interface via which the FI is controlled.
0 = Auto (=P509): The source of the auxiliary setpoint is
automatically derived from the setting in the parameter
P509 >Interface<
1 = USS
2 = CANbus
3 = Profibus
4 = InterBus
5 = CANopen
6 = DeviceNet
7 = Reserved
8 = CAN Broadcast
USS baud rate
always visible
0 ... 3
[ 3 ]
Setting of the transfer rate (transfer speed) via the RS485 interface. All bus subscribers must have the
same baud rate setting.
0 = 4800 baud
1 = 9600 baud
2 = 19200 baud
3 = 38400 baud
USS address
always visible
0 ... 30
[ 0 ]
Setting for the inverter address.
For details about the respective Bus
systems: please refer to the respective
Options descriptions.
BU 0020 = Profibus
BU 0050 = USS
BU 0060 = CAN/CANopen
BU 0070 = InterBus
BU 0080 = DeviceNet
BU 0090 = AS-Interface