Alarms – Seed Hawk Raven 2010 User Manual

Page 67

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Manual No. 016-3001-003


CAN (Controller Area Network) Setup


The Viper Pro displays various alarms depending upon the conditions programmed into the console. Specific

warning boxes display when the conditions for the alarm are met. In addition to the warning boxes, the Product

Control area of the main screen displays a ‘Warning’ symbol instead of the ‘Thumbs Up’ symbol.

The CAN Controller Status screen also displays a Current Alarms button at the bottom of the screen if an

alarm condition is active.


Off Rate and Low Limit alarms will automatically clear once the condition has corrected itself. All
other alarms will need to be cleared by pressing the clear alarms button.

Once you have corrected the condition that caused the alarm, the ‘Thumbs Up’ symbol displays. To see the

current alarms for the system, press the Current Alarms button. The Current CAN Node Alarms screen


To clear all the current alarms, press the Clear Alarms button.


Pressing the Clear Alarms button will clear the current system alarms, but the alarm condition may
still be present and may need to be corrected.