Using the nudge feature – Seed Hawk Raven 2010 User Manual
Page 169

Manual No. 016-3001-003
Viper Pro Guidance
Select Adjust Nudge to display the Nudge Settings screen.
Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the nudge value for the Nudge 1 and 2 values.
Select the ‘inches’ or ‘feet’ option to set the units for the entered nudge value.
Select the ‘Save these settings as default for future jobs’ option to save these nudge values with the Profile.
If this option is selected, the nudge values will be available at the start of each job started on the Viper Pro.
If this option is not selected, nudge values must be programmed for each job.
Using the Nudge Feature
In order to nudge a guidance pattern, the user must first start a “Swath Guidance” enabled job and set A and B
points. Switching to “Last Pass” will cause the nudge controls to be hidden on the Guidance screen.
If the Nudge buttons are not available on the Guidance screen, touch the Menu button on the Guidance screen
and select Show Nudge Ctrls. The user will then be able to nudge the swath as desired from the “Guide” tab on
the Viper PRO’s main screen as shown above.
Two nudge values can be applied by selecting either “N1” or “N2” and then touching the nudge left or right
button. The Guidance screen also displays the current total amount a swath pattern has been nudged. When
the Reset Nudge button is pressed, the accumulated nudge distance is applied in the opposite direction,
effectively removing any nudge adjustment from the current guidance pattern.
Nudge Total
Reset Nudge
Nudge Right
Nudge Left