For example – Seed Hawk Raven 2010 User Manual
Page 104

Chapter 4
Seed Hawk™ Viper Pro™ Installation & Operation Manual
If the prescription map contains zero rate zones for products 4 or 5, the system must have either a
PWM or Fast Valve controlling product. You must also program the valve type to C-PC (PWM
Close) or C-FC (Fast Close) mode, depending upon which valve is installed in the system.
If the system contains a fast valve, the valve must be plumbed into the main product line. You
cannot plumb the valve into a bypass line.
Accessing the Rx Map Menu
Select Menu, then Setup, Maps, and Rx Map. The Rx Map menu appears.
Rx Look-Ahead
The Rx Look-Ahead setting is the number of seconds (determined by vehicle speed) the Viper Pro is allowed to
scan in front of the vehicle’s current position to find rate changes on a prescription map. This feature may help
to compensate for the time it takes a valve to fully adjust to a different rate.
The Rx Look Ahead setting only affects products controlled in reference to a prescription map
For Example:
If the control valve takes four seconds to adjust to a rate change, setting an Rx Look Ahead value of 2 seconds
will allow Viper to begin adjusting the valve prior to the vehicle entering the new rate zone.
Setting the Look-Ahead Value
Select Menu, then Setup, Maps, Rx Map, and Look Ahead. The Look-Ahead Seconds screen displays.
Using the screen keyboard, enter the look ahead value in the Look-Ahead field.
Press OK. Viper saves the setting and returns to the main screen.