Watlow EZwarePlus Programming User Manual

Page 145

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EZwarePlus Programming Manual


Tips and Suggestions

Having trouble deciding which method to use to display a base window? Here are some suggestions:

• If you want to clear the HMI display of all open windows and display a new full screen window, then use the PLC

Control Object function or select the Change Window option in the Function Key Object. The PLC Control Object is

global (meaning it does not matter which windows are currently on display), so the HMI will always monitor the PLC

address that you have selected. The Function Key Object can be made local to one or more windows by placing the

object on only those windows. It can also be made global (meaning the HMI operator can always change to this

window no matter which window is currently displayed), by placing the Function Key Object on the Common Window

or the Fast Selection Window.

• If you want to display a popup window on one particular full screen window, then try using the Popup Window

option in the Function Key Object. This is particularly useful if you want the HMI operator to control the ability to

display the popup window. If you want the PLC to determine when to display the popup window, then use the Direct

Window object.

• If you want to display a popup window that can be shown on any full screen window, then try using the Popup

Window option in the Function Key Object. You should place the Function Key Object on the Common Window or in

the Fast Selection Window. This will allow the HMI operator access to that popup window regardless of which full

screen window is displayed. If you want to display the popup window only when some condition in the PLC has

occurred, then use the Direct Window object on the Common Window.

• If you want to display one of many possible popup windows on any full screen window, then try using the Indirect

Window object on the Common Window. You can then let the PLC determine which popup window should be

displayed or you can create several Set Word objects to allow the HMI operator to select which window to look at.

Returning to a previous window

You can configure a function key to display the full-sized base window that was on the HMI screen before the

currently shown window.

Create a function key to return to previous window:

1. From the Objects menu, select Function Key. The New Function Key Object dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the Return to previous window option button.
3. Configure the rest of the function key, and then click OK.
4. Place the function key object onto the full-sized base screen.

Placing a Return to previous window function key onto a popup window will not work.

Using a function key to close a window

You can configure a function key to close any popup window that is currently displayed on the HMI screen, and was

called by a function key.

Create a function key to close a window:

1. From the Objects menu, select Function Key. The New Function Key Object dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the Close window option button.
3. Configure the rest of the function key, and then click OK.
4. Place the function key object onto the popup window.

Placing a Close window function key onto a full-size base screen will not work. To close a direct window, turn

off the controlling bit. To close an indirect window, write a 0 to the controlling register.

1010-1015, Rev. 03