Watlow ANAWIN 2 User Manual
Page 151

AnaWin User’s Guide Index-3
Label Properties Table 10-8
Last button 5-4
Last Recipe Downloaded 2-1, 2-2
launch actions, specifying 4-3
Level Passwords Panel 4-7
Location 5-9
Log file
closing 9-4
copying to disk 9-4
name format 9-1
printing 9-4
removing 9-4
sample 3-3, 9-2
searching 9-4
selecting 9-2
selecting channels to export 3-3
selecting name and location 3-3
setting end point 3-2
setting logging interval for 3-3
setting start point 3-2
Log File Selection Screen 9-2
Logging interval 3-3, 3-4
Login (System menu option) 4-2
Login/Logout Buttons 2-1, 2-2
Logout (System menu option) 4-2
Logs menu 2-3, 9-1
loops, synchronizing 5-10
Main Menu 2-1, 2-2, 2-3
Markers property page 7-14
Maximize/Minimize buttons 2-3
Maximum Days Stored on Disk 7-22
menu tree, password protecting 4-6
Message box 2-1
Monitoring Configured Controllers 1-10
Monthly Calendar 6-6
symbols 6-6
New (option on Recipe menu) 6-2
Normal Startup Panel 4-3
Normal Startup, specifying actions for 4-3
Now button 3-2
Number of Data Sets Displayed 7-21
OLE Server C-1
constant values C-5
exposed methods C-1
features C-1
Online Help 2
Open (option on Recipe menu) 6-3
Open Animation Window A-3
Operator Select on Startup 4-3, 4-4
Out button 5-4
Over Limit Action 4-3, 4-4
options 4-4
Overview Thumbnails Screen 8-5, 10-18
displaying 8-5, 10-18
Parameter Names Screen 1-8
Parts List 1-2
Password Level Required Panel 4-6
Password protection
enabling 4-5
setting by level 4-6
setting by user 4-6, 4-7
Password Setup Screen 4-5
PID Filter 5-6
Plot Setup Screen 7-20
displaying 7-20
Power Fail Recovery 4-3
specifying response to 4-3
power percentages, changing 5-3
Preferences (System menu option) 4-2
Preferences Screen 4-2
Process 5-2
process variable, displaying 5-2
assigning to loops 5-8
creating new with default values 5-9
defining 7-5
definition 5-7
displaying on graph 7-6
editing 5-12
recalling channels for 7-6
removing from graph 7-6
selecting location for download 5-9
Profile Channels to View Window 7-6
Profile Name 5-9
profile ready states, defining 5-15
Profile Recall Controls 7-6
profile recording
starting 7-5
stopping 7-5
Profile Recording Controls 7-5
profile view 5-12
Program startup changes, cancelling 4-4
Program startup options, saving 4-4
Prop Band 5-6
Ramp Soak Assignment Screen 5-8
Ramp Soak Edit Screen 5-12
displaying 5-12
Ramp Soak Option check box 1-5, 5-8
Ramp Soak profile status 5-11
Ramp Soak Ready State Screen 5-15
displaying 5-15
Ramp Soak Setup (Channel Setup menu option) 5-7
ramp, definition 5-7
ramp/soak features 5-8
Ramp/Soak status 5-3
selecting 5-5
Read Parameters From Controller 4-3, 4-4
Real-time Plot Screen (on Channel Setup Screen) 5-1
Real-time Trend Plot (on Channel Setup Screen) 5-3