Watlow ANAWIN 2 User Manual
Page 150

Index-2 AnaWin User’s Guide
Configuring Communications Options 1-8
Control Mode 5-3
selecting 5-5
Controller communication (comm) status 1-5
Controller Setup Screen 1-3, 1-4
Copy 5-3
Copy to A
(Logs menu option) 9-4
Current Group 2-1, 2-2
Custom Overview Screen 10-1
(View menu option) 8-6
adding graphics 10-7
animation properties 10-16
creating new 10-3
digital I/O image properties 10-13
digital I/O text properties 10-11
displaying from thumbnail 8-5
field properties 10-9
graphic properties 10-14
label properties 10-7
opening existing 10-3
sample 8-6, 10-2
screen objects 10-4
selecting 10-4
setting form properties 10-6
user variable properties 10-15
zoom properties 10-18
Custom View Screen 10-3
displaying 10-3
customizable features 4-1
displayed names 1-8
parameter names 1-9
Data Log Settings Screen 3-4
Data Log Setup 3-1
(File menu option) 3-4
Data logging
selecting channels to log 3-4
setting logging interval 3-4
setting up automatic 3-4
starting 3-5
status 3-4
stopping 3-5
Data Set to View 7-21
Data Storage Settings Screen 7-22
displaying 7-21
data storage, indefinite 7-22
default password 4-5
Default Recipe Comment 4-8
Derivative 5-6
design mode 10-3
exiting 10-4
Detect button 1-5
Developer menu 2-3, 10-1
Developer Program, using 10-1
Digital I/O Graphic Properties Table 10-13
Digital I/O image properties 10-13
Digital I/O Screen 8-4
displaying 8-4
Digital I/O text properties 10-11
Disk Space Analysis 7-22
disk space, displaying 7-22
Done button 3-5
Enable Floppy Backup 6-3
Enable Passwords 4-5
End Report fields 3-2
Event Number Sequences 9-3
event types 9-2
Event Window 5-14
displaying 5-14
alarm 9-3
defining 5-14
system 9-3
user 9-3
Export Data Now 3-4
Export Database 3-1
(File menu option) 3-1
Export file 3-3
file name 3-3
Export Settings Screen 3-1
Exporting data 3-1
Exporting process data 3-1
field properties 10-9
Field Properties Table 10-9
File menu 2-3, 3-1
Fonts property page 7-13
form properties 10-7
Form Properties Table 10-6
Formulas and User Defined Variables Screen 10-20
displaying 10-20
Gauge Display 8-2, 8-3
viewing 8-2
Gauge Display Editable Parameters 4-9, 8-4
Gauge Display Screen, specifying editable parameters 4-9
Global Parameters C-8
graphic properties 10-14
Graphic Properties Table 10-14
Help menu 2-3
In button 5-4
Installation 1-3
Installation and Setup 1-1
Integral 5-6
label properties 10-8