Index – Watlow ANAWIN 2 User Manual

Page 149

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AnaWin User’s Guide Index-1


Add Graphic Screen 10-7
Alarm Button/Indicator 2-1, 2-2
Alarm Screen 11-1, 11-2

Alarm Message 11-2
Alarm Symbol 11-3
Alarm Type 11-2
Channel Name 11-2
Clear View 11-3
Date/Time 11-2
displaying automatically 4-5
Group Name 11-2
printing 11-3

Alarm Symbols 11-3
Alarm Types 11-3

acknowledging 11-4
setting 5-6

Allow Channel Grouping check box 1-6, 5-3
Allow Windows Screen Saver 4-5
AnaMator A-1

Animation Setup Screen A-2
Frame Setup Screen A-4

controls A-5
with Frame Window A-5

Setup Screen A-2

with Sequence Running Window A-7

Status Bar A-4, A-6

animation object A-1
animation properties 10-17
Animation Properties Table 10-17
animation restrictions A-1
Animation Setup Screen A-2

assigning bitmap files frames A-4
automatic repeat A-4
creating A-1, A-4
defining number of frames A-3
defining number of sequences A-3
defining update speed A-3
displaying memory used A-3
editing A-3
opening A-2
opening existing A-2
playing back A-6
removing A-6
saving A-6
setting up A-3

Audible Alarm, computer 4-5
Auto Alarm View 4-5, 11-1
Automatic ModBus Address Setup 1-8
Axis property page 7-9


Background property page 7-18
Bar Graph Display 8-2
Begin Report fields 3-2


Calendar (option on Recipe menu) 6-4
Calendar Events Screen 6-4
calendar events, suspending 6-6
Caption 2-1, 2-2
Channel and Digital IO Names Screen 1-9
Channel Grouping 1-6

setup screen 1-6

Channel Number 5-2
Channel Parameters C-6

(Channel Setup menu option) 5-1
copying 5-3
selecting input 5-4
selecting output 5-5
setting 5-1

Channel Setup

Alarm Tab 5-6, 5-7
Control Tab 5-5, 5-6
Input Tab 5-4
menu 2-3, 5-1
Other Tab 5-7
Output Tab 5-5

Channel Setup Screen 5-1

Add and Remove Buttons 1-7
Available Panel 1-7
Group Parameters 1-7

Channel Setup Tabs 5-4
Channel summary 5-2

copying 5-3
selecting 5-2
selecting for setup 5-2
viewing 8-1

Com Diags (System menu option) 4-10
Communicating Controller 2-1, 2-2
Communication Diagnostics Screen 4-10
Communication Disabled Indicator 4-10
Communication Enabled Indicator 4-9
communication errors, displaying 4-10
Communication Status Indicator 2-1, 2-2
Communications, enabling and disabling 4-9
Computer Audible Alarm 4-5
Configuration, controller 1-4
Configuration, controller, setting ModBus

protocol 1-4

Configure (System menu option) 4-10
Configure program, launching 4-10
