Ole server constant values – Watlow ANAWIN 2 User Manual
Page 137

AnaWin OLE Server
AnaWin User’s Guide C-5
OLE Server Constant Values
The following are the OLE server constant values that can be returned
from calls to the exposed methods.
AWOK (0): Returned by all functions if they are successful.
AWShutDown (1): Returned by all functions if a local user has shut
Anawin down.
AWNotCommunicating (2): Returned by all functions if AnaWin is
not able to communicate to the controllers on the bus.
AWInvalidParameter (3): Returned by the Get and Set data values and
the get parameters names functions if an invalid parameter number is
passed to them.
AWInvalidAddress (4): Returned by any function that accepts a
modbus address, when an address that has no controller assigned to it is
AWInvalidChannel (5): Returned by any function that deals with
channel data when a channel number is passed to it that is less than zero
or greater than the number of channels that the controller at the passed
address has.
AWOutOfRange (6): Returned by SetChannelDataValues when a
value is passed in the values array that is invalid for the passed
AWInvalidGroup (7): Returned by the recipe functions if the
GroupNum specifies a group that does not exist.
AWNoRecipes (8): Returned by the GetRecipeList if there are no
recipes stored for the specified GroupNum.
AWDownloadInProgress (9)
AWNonExistentRecipe (10)
AWNoDownloadRequested (11)
AWDownloadSuccessful (12)
AWDownloadFailed (13)
These are the possible return values for RecipeLoadStatus.
AWDownloadInProgress may also be returned by the LoadRecipe
function, indicating that another download is already in progress and the
client must wait until it is done before it downloads another.
AWInconsistentArguments (14): Returned by SetChannelDataValues if
NumVals does not equal the size of the values array.