Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual
Page 92

EZware5000 Series Programming Manual
1010-1007, Rev. 10
6. Select the PLC station number for your PLC if appropriate (see Controller information Sheet for your PLC) and
then click Settings… The COM Port Settings dialog appears.
7. Select the appropriate COM port. This is the COM port used by the HMI.
8. Select Baud rate, Data bits, Parity and Stop bits. Use Maple Systems’ Controller Information Sheets or the
PLC manufacturer’s operations manual for information on the communications parameters required by the
PLC. These parameters must match the PLC settings.
Timeout adjusts the amount of time (in seconds) it takes for the PLC no response message to popup when
communication is lost or disrupted between the HMI and PLC.
Turn around delay adjusts the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the HMI waits after receiving a reply
before sending the next request.
Send ACK delay and the Parameter 1-3 settings are optional depending on the PLC type. Refer to the
Controller Information Sheet for the PLC selected.
9. Click OK.
10. PLC default station no.: Defines the station number or unit ID number of the PLC, if applicable (e.g., Modbus
station number).
11. Default station no. use station no. variable: Enables using a Local Word (where LW10000-LW10015
corresponds to var0-var15) to define the station number. By using the var syntax in the address field (e.g.,
var0#100), the station number can be changed at runtime by changing the value in the corresponding Local
12. Use broadcast command: When enabled, causes the HMI to not expect a response from the station number
specified by the Broadcast station no. field.
13. Interval of block pack (words): Determines how many words are read from the PLC in one communication
cycle. For more information on this feature, select Help> Help Topics in EasyBuilder-5000 and select
Miscellaneous > Optimizing the Update Rate With PLC Block Pack.
14. Max. read-command size (words): The maximum data size to be read from a device at one time.
The Interval of block pack (words) setting must be less than this setting.
15. Max. write-command size (words): The maximum data size to be written to a device at one time.
16. Click OK.