Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual

Page 85

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Using EZware-5000


1010-1007, Rev. 10

4. In the Destination box, enter the number of the window in the current project that you wish to copy the

selected window(s) to. If multiple windows are selected, they will be copied into consecutive windows
beginning with the one designated in the Destination window.

5. Click OK. The EasyBuilder Destination window is redisplayed with the Window Copy command executed.

To delete a graphics object(s)

1. Select the object or objects you wish to delete.

2. Press the DELETE key or from the Edit menu, click Delete.

 You can restore the deleted object by using the Undo command.

To move a graphics object(s)

1. Select the object or objects you wish to move.

2. When you place the mouse cursor over a highlighted object, the cursor changes to a crosshair. This indicates

that you are able to move the selected object. Move the object by clicking on it and dragging the object to
the proper position on the work area.

To resize a graphics object

1. Select the object to be resized.

2. To resize the object, move the mouse cursor over one of the small black squares. The cursor changes to a

double-arrow icon to indicate that it is in resizing mode.

3. Click and drag the mouse to resize the object.

4. Objects can also be resized by changing the width and height attributes in the Profile tab of the Attributes

dialog box (see below).

To change attributes of a graphics object

1. Select the object to be changed, then select Change Object Attributes from the Edit menu. You can also

double-click the object.

2. The object’s attribute dialog box is displayed. Object Attributes defines what the object is or how it behaves,

(i.e., size, position, color, etc.). Click OK to accept any changes made or Cancel to cancel any changes.

To view object attributes of multiple graphics objects on a window

1. There will be times when you may want to quickly determine what PLC data registers are tied to which

objects in a window. This can easily be done using the object attributes command.

2. On the Edit menu, click Select all objects.

3. From the Edit menu, click Change Object Attributes. The Object Attribute dialog box is displayed.