Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual
Page 61

Using EZware-5000
1010-1007, Rev. 10
Set Bit
The Set Bit Object is used as a button to toggle ON or OFF the state of a bit or coil in the PLC, or a bit in the HMI local
memory (LB). There are a number of different options (Set Styles) available to operate the button including touch (On,
Off, Toggle, Momentary), window open or closed, and backlight on or off.
Set Word
The Set Word Object is used as a button to change the value in a PLC register, or the value in a register in the HMI
local memory (LW). There are a number of different options (Set Styles) available to operate the button including
touch (Write a constant value, increment or decrement), window open or closed, backlight on or off, and periodic
bounce or jog.
Toggle Switch
The Toggle Switch Object is a combination of the Bit Lamp and Set Bit objects. It is used as a button to toggle ON or
OFF the state of a bit or coil (specified by the Write Address), and as an indicator to represent the ON or OFF status of
a bit or coil (specified by the Read Address) in a PLC register or HMI local memory. It can be configured with various
Switch Styles including Set On , Set Off, Toggle, or Momentary.
Multi-State Switch
The Multi-State Switch Object is a combination of the Word Lamp and Set Word objects. It is used as a button to
change the value of a register (specified by the Write Address), and as an indicator to represent the value in a register
(specified by the Read Address). A Multi-State Switch can display up to 256 different shapes and text strings,
corresponding to register values of 0 – 255.
Option List
The Option List Object provides a way to display a list of names corresponding to values in a register (Monitor
address). The Source of item data selection determines how the Option List operates.
Predefine: The Option List displays a list of items where the item displayed or selected (configured on the Mapping
tab) is determined by the value in a register. Optionally, selecting an item from the list can write its corresponding
value to a register.
Dates of historical data: When data sampling (Data Sampling Object) or Alarms (Alarm/Event Log) are employed, the
Option List can be used to list the dates corresponding to Historical data/event files for displaying in a Historical Trend
Display, History Data Display, or History Event Display.
Item address: Custom text for the Option List can be stored in registers and changed or updated during runtime.
Control register: Set to 1 to update the item list.
Control register + 1: Determines the number of items in the list.
Item address: The starting address for the item list contents (ASCII or UNICODE).
Slider Object
The Slider Object is used as a control to change the value in a PLC register, or the value in a register in the HMI local
memory (LW), based on the position of the slide control. Low and High limits can be configured based on constant
values or on PLC/HMI register values, and the resolution of the slide control can be adjusted to accommodate the
range of values in the register. The position of the Slider will change if the register value is changed by some other