Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual
Page 71

Using EZware-5000
1010-1007, Rev. 10
Trigger address + 1
Number of words to transfer
(32 words maximum)
The number of words to transfer from the
PLC to the HMI or HMI to PLC.
Trigger address + 2
PLC Data Address Offset
The Address Offset (from the Trigger
address + 4) at which the transfer of data
to/from the PLC will start.
Trigger address + 3
HMI Data Address Offset
The Address Offset at which the transfer of
data to/from the HMI will start.
The HMI will transfer data to/from the Device Type specified by the Trigger address.
It is recommended that the data in (Trigger Addr + 1), (Trigger Addr +2), and (Trigger Addr +3) be set before writing
the Operation Code to (Trigger Addr).
Backlight Control (Write Back)
Allows the PLC to control the HMI’s backlight via the bit specified in the Trigger address. Once the requested
operation has been performed, the HMI will reset the bit.
Note: The PLC Control Object may be configured with two Backlight Control (Write Back) items, with different bits for
the On and Off control. The backlight can then be controlled directly from the PLC.
Backlight Control
Operates the same as the Backlight Control (Write back) attribute described above, but the HMI will not reset the bit
specified in the Trigger address.
Sound Control
Plays the selected sound when the bit specified by the Trigger address matches the trigger mode conditions.
Execute Macro Program
Executes the designated macro when triggered by the bit specified in the Trigger address.
Note: Only available when a macro has been created in the project.
Screen Hardcopy
Prints the specified window when the bit specified by the Trigger address matches the trigger mode conditions. The
Source window for print option provides the following selections:
Current base window: When the trigger occurs, the window currently displayed on the HMI is printed.
Window no. from register: When the trigger occurs, the window number is read from the specified register; the
window is displayed and printed.
Designate window no.: The window is selected from a list during project development. When the trigger occurs, this
pre-selected window is displayed and printed.
The Printer field allows you to select the destination for the screen hardcopy: a printer attached to the HMI, one of
the USB ports, or the Remote Printer Server.
Data Transfer (Time-based)
The Data Transfer (Time-based) Object is used to transfer bit-based or word-based data from the specified Source
address(es) to the specified Destination address(es) at periodic intervals. The interval is adjustable from 0.5 to 25.5
seconds, in 0.1 second steps.
The Address type selects whether the data transferred is word or bit, and the No. of word/No. of bit field specifies
how many consecutive addresses are transferred. The Source and Destination address fields define the starting