Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual
Page 176

EZware5000 Series Programming Manual
1010-1007, Rev. 10
9. Click the Message tab to display the Message dialog.
10. Enter the message to display when the alarm or event is triggered in the Content box. If you would like to
configure the message in different languages, click Label and follow the instructions in “Chapter 8 - Creating
Databases and Languages.” Select the Font and Color to use for the message being displayed.
11. In the Write value window, enter the window number to display once the alarm or event is acknowledged.
This value is entered into the register configured in the Event Display’s Write address on the General tab.
12. Click the Enable checkbox in the Sound section to have the HMI play a sound when the alarm is triggered.
Click the Sound Library... button to select a sound from the sound libraries. If no sound is selected, the
default sound is a beep. Click Play to preview the sound.
13. If a local printer has been enabled in the System Parameters > Model tab, you can send the alarm message
to a printer. Click the On trigger box to print when the alarm is triggered, and Return to normal box to print
when the alarm condition has been resolved.
14. Multi-watch: The values of up to four data registers can be displayed in an Alarm/Event Message. Select the
number of registers to be displayed. Click the Syntax… button to display a dialog explaining the syntax of
embedding watch registers in an Alarm/Event Message.
15. Click OK to return to the Alarm (Event) Log dialog. You may select a location to save History files by selecting
one of the check boxes. You may also configure additional Alarm (Event) log items here. Click Exit when you
are finished.