Recipe/extended memory editor – Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual

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Using EZware-5000


1010-1007, Rev. 10

Options Menu > Settings

The Settings window is used to configure the operation of EasyPrinter.


Port Number of the Server Socket: Specify the IP Port number to use. This must match the Port setting on
the Printer Server tab of the EasyBuilder5000 System Parameters dialog.

User Name: Specify a User Name. This must match the User Name setting on the Printer Server tab of the
EasyBuilder5000 System Parameters dialog.

Password: Specify a Password. This must match the Password setting on the Printer Server tab of the
EasyBuilder5000 System Parameters dialog.

Naming Convention for HMI Folder (when writing files): Select Use IP address to create a folder named with
the IP address of the HMI. Select Use HMI name to create a folder using the HMI name assigned in the Data
Sampling Object’s Folder name, which is used to save history data files. The folder name is stored in

Prefix: Optional prefix to append to the folder name defined above. For example, if Use IP address is selected
for the naming convention, the IP address of the HMI is, and IP_ is entered in the Prefix box,
the folder will be named IP_192.168.1.211.

Minimize to System Tray: If checked, the minimized EasyPrinter utility will appear in the System Tray. If
unchecked, the utility will be minimized to the Task Bar.

Detailed Message: If checked, detailed messages will be written to the Logger window. If unchecked, general
messages will be written to the Logger window.


Print Out To: When checked, specifies the printer or device to send the data to. The drop-down list will be
populated with devices available on the PC.

Save to files in: When checked, saves a *.bmp file of the screen print to the designated folder on the


Backup files in: Specifies the location on the computer to save the data file
(C:\MapleSystems\EZ5000\BackupData is the default).

When target file has existed: When Overwrite it is checked, the existing file will be overwritten by the new
file. When Append.BAK to the file name is checked, the existing file will have .BAK appended to the filename
so it will be preserved.

Convert Batch File: When enabled, defines the path to the definition file used to convert the data file to CSV
file format (C:\MapleSystems\EZ5000\convert2csv.def is the default).

Recipe/Extended Memory Editor

The Recipe/Extended Memory Editor is an application that allows you to create, view, and modify recipe (*.rcp) files
and Extended Memory (*.emi) files. You can also use this editor to import/export recipe and extended memory files
to CSV formatted files, which can then be shared by other applications.