Maple Systems HMI5000 Series User Manual

Page 72

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EZware5000 Series Programming Manual

1010-1007, Rev. 10


When transferring bits, bits can only be transferred to the local HMI’s internal memory. It is not possible to

transfer bits to a remote HMI or another PLC.

Data Sampling

The Data Sampling Object is used to create Data Logs. A Data Log gathers data that can be saved as History files to the
HMIs internal memory, or to a compact flash, SD card, or USB drive (depending on the model). That data can then be
displayed in a Trend Display or History Data Display in real-time or historical. The data can then be displayed in a
Trend Display in real-time, and data files from previous days can also be displayed in History mode. The History Data
Display can also display historical data in a table format.

The data files can also be transferred to a PC and saved in *.csv or *.xls format using the EasyConverter application
(included with EZware-5000).

Note: Every 60 seconds, the HMI checks to see if the size of the updated data file exceeds 4000 bytes. If so, the data
file is written to non-volatile memory.

Sampling can be configured to occur periodically (Time-based) with sampling intervals ranging from 0.1 second to 120
minutes, or it can be triggered by the state of a bit (Trigger-based). The Read address defines the starting address of
the data samples and the Data Record area allows you to configure how many consecutive registers to sample.

The Data Format button opens a dialog to configure the format of a data log record. A record is a single line or group
of lines of data. Different data formats can be used within the same record. When multiple items are configured in
the same record, consecutive addresses are used beginning with the address specified in the Read address. The
number of registers is determined by the number of items defined in the Data Format list and the size of each item
(i.e., 16-bit or 32-bit). The first item is read from the specified Read address, the next item is read from the address
after the Read Address, etc.

Note: When creating a Data Sample for use with a multi-pen Trend Object, use the Data Format button to configure
the data for each of the trend's pens. Each additional item in the Data Format list will use the next consecutive
address from the specified Read Address.

When logging data, one data file is created for each day. The data file has a file name of the form yyyymmdd.dtl,
where yyyy is the four-digit year; mm is the two-digit month (01 for January, 12 for December); dd is the two digit

System Message

The System Message is used to customize the content of system-generated messages.
Confirmation required:
Message that is displayed when confirmation of an operation is required.
Password required: Message that is displayed when the current security level prevents an operation.
System error: Message that is displayed when the HMI experiences a critical internal error. Contact Maple Systems if
this message is displayed.


The Scheduler is used to change a bit or a word based on a time schedule. Each scheduled action can have a start time
and an end time. Up to 32 items can be entered in the Scheduler list.
Power-ON start/end action:
Determines the action to perform when the HMI is turned ON.
When checked: If the HMI is turned ON within the scheduled time range, the start action is performed immediately. If
the HMI is turned ON outside of the scheduled time range, the end action is performed immediately (if enabled).
When unchecked: If the HMI is turned ON within the scheduled time range but after the start time, the start action is
not performed but the end action is performed (if enabled). If the HMI is turned ON outside of the scheduled time
range, no action is performed.