2 fonts, 3 configuration name, 4 color, format, and hiding options – Teledyne LeCroy Summit T3-8 PCIe Multi-lane Protocol Analyzer User Manual User Manual
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Summit T3‐8 PCI Express Multi‐Lane Protocol Analyzer User Manual
Specifying General Display Options
Teledyne LeCroy
Figure 8.2: Expanded Data Field
Fonts: Allows the appearance of field text and/or data text to be defined.
Configuration Name
Display Configuration Name: This field is used to enter a text string to be associated with
the current set of Display Options. This name is saved with the Display Options file, and
appears as part of the title of the packet view window that uses this set of Display
Color, Format, and Hiding Options
The Color/Format/Hiding tab allows you to customize the colors and formats associated
with each field in the CATC Trace and to selectively hide fields or packets. You access these
display options by selecting Setup > Display Options > Color/Format/Hiding tab.
The Color/Format/Hiding property page lets you set how fields display in a CATC Trace.
This property page lets you set field color and data format (binary, hex, decimal, ASCII),
and lets you hide selected fields from the display (see