Tektronix AWG610 User Manual
Page 464

AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
limitations: 3–121
line number: 3–112
logic jump: 3–118
opening the editor: 3–111
pasting a line: 3–115
Strobe: 3–120
Sync: 3–119
table jump: 3–119
timing: 3–119
Sequence file, text format: G–1
sequence file load restrictions: 3–31
Set Data High/Low command: 3–52
set output parameters: 2–37
Set Pattern command: 3–59, 3–88
Setting parameters, quick edit: 3–96
Settings menu button: 3–74, 3–83
CRT brightness: 3–151
date and time: 3–152
Setup overview, outputting a waveform: 2–38
setup overview: 2–33
setup parameters
loading from a file: 2–39
saving to a file: 2–39
SETUP screen: 2–33
Setup window
Amplitude: 3–33
Clock: 3–35
Clock Ref: 3–36
Continuous: 3–37
Direct Out: 3–34
Edit: 3–32
Enhanced: 3–38
equation file loading: 3–32
Filter Through: 3–33
Gated: 3–37
Horizontal menu: 3–34
Impedance: 3–40
Interval: 3–40
Load: 3–31
Marker: 3–34
marker delay: 3–36
Offset: 3–33
opening: 3–29
outputting a signal: 3–42
Polarity: 3–39
Restore Setup: 3–41
Run Mode: 3–37, 3–39
Save Setup: 3–41
Save/Restore: 3–41
sequence file restrictions: 3–31
Setup screen elements: 3–29
Slope: 3–39
Trigger: 3–39
Trigger Level: 3–40
Triggered: 3–37
View: 3–32
waveform/pattern load restrictions: 3–31
window icon descriptions: 3–30
Ethernet: 3–156
for hardcopy: 3–162
SHIFT button: 2–12
Shift Register Generator command: 3–56
shortcut controls: 2–14
side menu buttons: 2–8
sign( ): 3–191
Signal edit process: 2–45
signal output: 3–42
signal output parameters, setting: 2–37
sin( ): 3–191
sinc( ): 3–191
Sine wave tests, performance verification: B–36
sinh( ): 3–191
size, waveform record: 3–197
size( ): 3–195
Slope menu button: 3–39
Smoothing, quick edit: 3–93
certification: A–13
compliances: A–13
sqr( ): 3–191
sqrt( ): 3–191
Square math function: 3–63
Square Root math function: 3–63
srnd( ): 3–191
Standard, network: 3–139
standard accessories: 1–4
Standard Waveform command: 3–50
standby power: 1–10
Start, quick edit: 3–94
starting/stopping waveform output: 3–44
strobe: 3–120
Style Fun, Style Name, Page# Sep
AC line power
nominal traits: A–10
warranted characteristics: A–10
Arbitrary waveforms: A–2
Auxiliary inputs, warranted characteristics: A–8
Auxiliary outputs, warranted characteristics: A–6
Clock generator, nominal traits: A–2
Display, nominal traits: A–9
Environmental, warranted characteristics: A–11
Filter, typical characteristics: A–5
Function Generator, nominal traits: A–7