Tektronix AWG610 User Manual
Page 462

AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Network test, Ethernet: 3–157
network waveforms: 3–134
Networking, Ethernet: 3–155
New Pattern command: 3–48
New Waveform command: 3–48
NFS, Networking: 3–159
NLTS, disk application: 3–132
NLTS+, disk application: 3–132
NLTS–, disk application: 3–132
noise: 3–191
norm( ): 3–193
Normalize math function: 3–63
NRZ, disk application: 3–129
NRZI, disk application: 3–129
numeric input: 2–11
Numeric Input command: 3–62, 3–90
numeric keypad: 2–11
Offset menu button: 3–33
Offset tests (direct DA out), performance verification:
Offset tests (normal out), performance verification:
button: 2–2
switch: 1–12, 1–13
Open command: 3–48
opening multiple edit windows: 2–31
opening the Equation editor: 3–103
opening the Sequence editor: 3–111
opening the SETUP screen: 2–33
opening the Setup window: 3–29
opening the Table editor: 3–99
operating environment: 1–7
Operating mode tests, performance verification: B–17
Operation menu button: 3–50, 3–79
Operators, math: 3–192
Option 10 (78 Mb flash disk): 1–7
Option 1R (rackmounting): 1–6
Option 1S (Wavewriter S3FTX00): 1–6
Option D1 (test result report): 1–6
optional accessories: 1–4
options: 1–6
output parameters, setting: 2–37
outputting a signal: 3–42
overwrite confirmation: 2–23
panel lock LED: 2–2
Parameters, GPIB: 3–153
paste: 3–107
Paste (Insert) command: 3–52
Paste (Replace) command: 3–52
paste line, Sequence editor: 3–115
Pattern editor: 3–78
creating a pattern: 3–86
creating counter patterns: 3–87
default values: 3–86
edit area: 3–85
importing data from a file: 3–88
Selecting data to edit: 3–84
Pattern field: 3–89
pattern loading restrictions: 3–31
Pattern to Waveform, File Conversion: 3–211
Performance test, pulse response check: B–36
Performance Verification, Test Record: B–13
Performance verification
1/4 clock frequency tests: B–52
1/4 clock output tests: B–54
10 MHz REF OUT tests: B–56
10 MHz input tests: B–52
amplitude tests (direct DA out): B–29
amplitude tests (normal out): B–24
enhanced mode tests: B–45
equipment required: B–8
event input tests: B–45
floppy disk: B–11
internal trigger tests: B–38
loading files: B–10
marker output tests: B–58, B–61
offset tests (direct DA out): B–29
offset tests (normal out): B–24
operating mode tests: B–17
prerequisites: B–8
pulse response tests: B–34
purpose: B–1
rise time tests (direct DA out): B–29
sine wave tests: B–36
test items: B–7
trigger input tests: B–40
pi: 3–195
Pin assignments, EVENT IN connector: B–9
pn( ): 3–193
PN15, network application: 3–138, 3–145
PN9, network application: 3–138, 3–145
point( ): 3–195
Polarity menu button: 3–39
pop-up menu: 2–9
pow( ): 3–191
power connector: 2–6
power cord identification: 1–10
power cord options: 1–3