Tektronix AWG610 User Manual
Page 458

AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Correlation: 3–65, 3–68
Cube: 3–63
Cut: 3–51
Differential: 3–63
Digital Filter: 3–65, 3–69
Expand: 3–54
Horizontal Invert: 3–55
Horizontal Rotate: 3–53
Horizontal Shift: 3–53
Insert From File: 3–49
Integral: 3–63
Mul: 3–64
Multiple Paste: 3–52
New Pattern: 3–48
New Waveform: 3–48
Normalize: 3–63
Numeric Input: 3–62, 3–90
Open: 3–48
Paste (Insert): 3–52
Paste (Replace): 3–52
Re-Sampling: 3–65, 3–71
Save: 3–48
Save As: 3–48
Set Data High/Low: 3–52
Set Pattern: 3–59, 3–88
Shift Register Generator: 3–56
Square: 3–63
Square Root: 3–63
Standard Waveform: 3–50
Sub: 3–64
Vertical Invert: 3–55
Vertical Scale: 3–54
Vertical Shift: 3–54
XY View: 3–65, 3–71
Compare math function: 3–64, 3–66
compiling equations: 3–109
Compliances, specifications: A–13
connecting the power cord: 1–9
Connecting to GPIB network: 3–153
Continuous menu button: 3–37
Controls, quick edit: 3–93
Controls and connectors
front panel: 2–1
rear panel: 2–5
conv( ): 3–181
performance verification: B–1
user manual: FRONTMATTER xviii
Convert Waveform–Pattern: 3–211
converting captured waveform files: 3–209
Convolution math function: 3–65, 3–67
copy: 3–107
Copy command: 3–52
copy line, Sequence editor: 3–114
copy( ): 3–182
copying files: 2–17
corr( ): 3–182
Correlation math function: 3–65, 3–68
cos( ): 3–190
cosh( ): 3–190
count down counter pattern: 3–87
Count Down field: 3–87
count up counter pattern: 3–87
Count Up field: 3–87
creating a new waveform: 2–28
creating a pattern: 3–86
creating and editing waveforms, tutorial: 2–54
creating standard counter patterns: 3–87
CRT brightness: 1–2
setup: 3–151
Cube math function: 3–63
Cursor Link field: 3–76
Cursor Position field: 3–89
cursors: 2–29
Sequence editor: 3–113
cut: 3–107
Cut command: 3–51
cut line, Sequence editor: 3–114
data( ): 3–183
Date and time, setup: 3–152
delete( ): 3–184
deleting files: 2–18
at power on: 3–166
calibration: 3–164
error codes: 3–167
manual execution: 3–167
self tests: B–3
dialog box: 2–10
diff( ): 3–184
Differential math function: 3–63
Digital Filter math function: 3–65, 3–69
Direct Out menu button: 3–34
disk drive waveforms: 3–125
Double Windows: 2–21
file operation: 3–216
window operation: 3–217
drive and directory menus: 2–16