Index, Numbers – Tektronix AWG610 User Manual
Page 457

AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
1/4 Clock frequency tests, performance verification:
1/4 Clock output tests, performance verification: B–54
10 MHz REF OUT tests, performance verification:
10 MHz reference input tests, performance verification:
abs( ): 3–190, 3–195
Absolute math function: 3–63
Accessories: 1–4
acos( ): 3–190
Add math function: 3–64
Amplitude menu button: 3–33
Amplitude tests (direct DA out), performance
verification: B–29
Amplitude tests (normal out), performance verification:
APPL window
code conversion: 3–129
disk drive waveforms: 3–125
jitter composer: 3–141
jitter composer parameters: 3–146
network waveforms: 3–134
overview: 3–125
superpose: 3–125
superpose parameters: 3–132
asin( ): 3–190
Asymmetry, disk application: 3–132, 3–132
atan( ): 3–190
AWG20xx.WFM to Pattern, File Conversion: 3–209
B3ZS, network application: 3–138
B6ZS, network application: 3–138
B8ZS, network application: 3–138
Basic concept on communication, for capturing:
basic hardware structure: 2–41
Basic Keywords menu button: 3–105
bezel buttons: 2–2, 2–7
BMP, hardcopy format: 3–162
BNF (Backus-Naur form): 3–175
bottom menu buttons: 2–8
bpf( ): 3–179
brf( ): 3–180
Brightness, CRT, setup: 3–151
Calibration: 3–164
diagnostics: 3–164
self tests: B–4
Calibration Test Record: B–13
Capturing, basic concept on communication: 3–171
capturing waveforms: 3–171
ceil( ): 3–190
Cell Period, disk application: 3–132
Certification, specifications: A–13
CH1: 3–112
CH1 / CH2 Digital field: 3–115
cleaning, exterior: C–2
Cleaning the Instrument Interior: C–2
CLEAR MENU button: 2–2, 2–7
Clip command: 3–56
Clock, jitter composer application: 3–146
clock: 3–195
Clock field: 3–75
Clock menu button: 3–35
Clock Ref menu button: 3–36
Close command: 3–49
CMI, network application: 3–138
code conversion: 3–81, 3–129
Code Convert math function: 3–71
code(): 3–181
equation programming: 3–175
Syntax: 3–175
BNF (Backus-Naur form): 3–175
Command syntax: 3–175
BNF (Backus-Naur form): 3–175
Absolute: 3–63
Add: 3–64
Clip: 3–56
Close: 3–49
Code Convert: 3–71
Compare: 3–64, 3–66
Convolution: 3–65, 3–67
Copy: 3–52