Port 3, Port type for port 3 – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual

Page 78

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Site Configuration


Advanced Physical and Link Layer Parameters for Port 2

When one of the advanced parameters windows is displayed, you can use the following

After changing a parameter, you can restore all changes to their default, by clicking the



Modified parameters appear against red background the next time you access the

parameter list.

For more details, see Advanced Parameters in this chapter.

Port 3

Port 3 is a plug-in port designed for various radio or line communications, for example:





Not used

For details on the selection method and options, see Port 2.

Port Type for Port 3

For details on the selection method, options, and possible combinations, see Port 2. The
following is a description of the additional combinations that apply to Port 3 and Port 4 only.

Radio, Conventional, radio type, max. number of repeaters, modem

Direct FM modulation for conventional radio. For all parameters that appear italicized above,
open the drop-down list and select the corresponding value. If you cannot find the requested
value on the list (like a radio type), select the “General” parameter (for example, General

Radio, Trunking, radio type, trunk system, modem

Trunked radio. For all parameters that appear italicized above, open the drop-down list and
select the corresponding value. If you cannot find the requested value on the list (like a radio
type or trunk system), select the “General” parameter (for example, General Radio).

Line, Multi-Drop Half-Duplex

For multi-drop half-duplex wire line communication, using the Line Modem board.

Line, Full Duplex (2w/4w), Sync

For full-duplex (2w/4w), synchronous wire line communication, using the Line Modem board.

Line, Full Duplex (2w/4w), Async

For full-duplex (2w/4w), asynchronous wire line communication, using the Line Modem

Line, Dial-up, Async

For asynchronous wire line communication using the dial-up Line Modem board.