Iplink linxl, 2500 level = 100, 2501 level = 101 – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual

Page 393

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Software Diagnostics Output


## 2398

PPP is not created on this port

User has tried issue level 1 or 2 for SLIP port (## 2301 or ## 2302). Port is not PPP.

## 2399

PPP was not initialized yet try again later

User has tried issue level 1 or 2 for PPP port (## 2301 or ## 2302). Port is still initializing and cannot
provide data. Try again later.


## 2500 LEVEL = 100

RCP user parameters
Radio IP address

: %%1

RCP IP port

: %%2

RTU sets radio in encrypted mode

: %%3

Time to wait while diagnosing radio [millisec] : %%4

1. IP address of radio.

2. Should always be 469.

3. If radio is encrypted, this parameter will be Yes. If radio is in clear, this parameter will be No.

4. Radio diagnose reply timeout, as defined in Site Configuration.

## 2501 LEVEL = 101

Status of RCP
Is radio being configured

: %%1

Has configuration of radio failed

: %%2

RCP request of which configuration failed

: %%3

Last request SDU tag number

: %%4

Last request sent to radio

: %%5

Is radio registered in infrastructure

: %%6

Is data service not available

: %%7

Is ICMP:Network unreachble received

: %%8

Has radio failed transmission due to encryption problem : %%9
Last report received from radio

: %%10

Is port in 'Fail' mode

: %%11

1. If RTU is configuring radio (radio startup, RTU startup or when making connection), this will be yes.

In this case, the data will remain pending until it can be transmitted.

2. Whether the configuration of the radio has failed. If so, data cannot be transmitted by way of the


3. Describes which configuration message failed.