Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual
Page 370

Software Diagnostics Output
7. Yes: OCOMM module is waiting for end of current piggyback transmission. (UART of CPU has
finished transmitting).
8. Transmission state: Init, Grant (executing Channel Access), Warmup (transmitting Tone) and so on.
9. The amount of timeout left for current state.
10. The name of the channel that is currently being transmitted to.
11. Current channel access priority.
12. The amount of time the current channel was quiet before transmission or channel access.
13. The amount of time the current channel was busy before transmission or channel access.
14. Period (msec) during which a trunk channel was not available (no RxEn).
15. Whether the CPU is pressing TxEn now.
16. Whether PTT is pressed now and TxEn requested.
17. If TxEn is requested: The time (in msec) remaining for re-pressing/releasing the PTT. If TxEn was
not requested, the value is 0.
18. Next warmup will be performed on this channel.
19. Access priority of the channel that will execute Channel Access the next time. When executing
Channel Access the channel has priority. That is because the access to trunk channel can be in high or
low priority. Therefore when accessing other channels the following priorities are available: Conv.
Radio, Line , Sci (internal). When not accessing channel, this field shows “No Channel Access”.
## 1510
Transmission failure error counters
Number of times CTS signal was stuck
: %% 1
Number of times channel was busy and could not be accessed : %% 2
Number of times transmission timeout occurred
: %% 3
Number of times ‘Wait for Holdup’ timeout occured
: %% 4
The transmission failure statistics:
LEVEL : 10 - zero counters after diagnostics.
LEVEL : 11 - do not zero counters.
1. The number of times a channel was available for transmission (Channel Access ended successfully),
but piggyback did not enable the beginning of transmission (did not execute CTS). This can occur
because of hardware difficulties or because the transmission buffer was full for too long.
2. The number of times transmission failed because the channel was busy (Channel Access failed).
3. The number of times the transmission was stopped because it was too long.
4. The number of times the waiting for the end of piggyback modem transmission was stopped because
it took too long.