Minisession (evnt , stcl), 200 level = 0 – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual

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Software Diagnostics Output




Event & Burst device


Broadcast reception device

## 200 LEVEL = 0

Application id

: %% 1

No. of boxes in device

: %% 2

No. of retries

: %% 3

Interval between retries

: %% 4

Time till flushing rcv frames

: %% 5

Protocol flags

: %% 6

Does task exist ?

: %% 7

Is flushing needed ?

: %% 8

Heap key

: %% 9

Index of first box in free queue

: %% 10

Index of first box in “wait for answ” queue

: %% 11

Index of first box in “answers from outside” queue

: %% 12

Index of first box in “request to applic” queue

: %% 13

Index of first box in “waiting for applic answer” queue

: %% 14

Index of first box in “originate from applic” queue

: %% 15

Index of first box in “setcall from applic” queue

: %% 16

Index of first box in “answers from applic” queue

: %% 17

1. The application ID.

2. The number of frames to be managed simultaneously in the device instance.

3. The number of Tx retries.

4. Timeout in seconds between TX retries.

5. The time in seconds until the system discards the MDLC frames not solicited by the Application

layer (Ladder or “C” application)

6. Instance internal signals.

7. Whether the instance functions with task.

8. Mark if queues should be cleared.

9. Heap key used for transmission.

10. The next index of free boxes.

11. The next index of frames awaiting answer.

12. The next index of slave answer.

13. The next index of incoming frames.

14. The next index of incoming “originate” frames.

15. The next index of outbound “originate” frames.

16. The next index of broadcast frames to be issued.